Sunday, October 5, 2008

GMC Girls Weekend on Long HIll

Christi Kerls Tacy, Katie Bingham Smith, Andrea Nahornick

I went to Green Mountain College in the little town of Poultney Vermont. I majored in Elementary Education - lot of good that did me. But anyway, it was there that I made amazing friends. I lived in two different residence halls, Lyman and North. This weekend some of my girlie friends from North came for a visit. Those of you who could not make it - I expect to see you next year and the Lyman girlies well it's time to put a plan in the works.

Katie arrived 1st and I blew the surprise I had been saving for weeks by telling her that Andrea was coming too. Andrea hadn't seen any of us in almost 10 years - Thank You Facebook for putting us back in touch. Christi and Andrea arrived within minutes of each other and it was so great to see them arrive safe and sound. There we were CT, NY, ME in NH.

We sat for a few hours and just got caught up and then headed out to dinner. When we got back I made fire and we sat in the living room until almost 1am - just talking , reminiscing. It was great. Saturday AM I got up early and made a nice big breakfast. I wanted to be sure they were good and full as we had some serious antiquing planned. We hit them all on Route 4 from Northwood to Chichester and even managed to throw in a trip to Calef's in Barrington. Everyone went home with treasures.

I had dug out a bunch of old photos (which I can not wait to scan and post up here) and yearbooks and so they sat going through those while I cheffed up a nice steak dinner. It was very yummy. But after a long day of shopping and a big dinner by nine we were spent and ready for bed - nothing like the old days when we'd stay up until four and close the Hampton House. Oh well it was too cold walking home from the Hampton anyway. :-)

I am so glad we had the time again this year to catch up - HEY that makes Tales one year old - it was Kate who said I should start a blog. Wow can't believe I've been blogging for a whole year and still noone really reads it. Oh well - I do. Leave a Comment if you do too.