Monday, June 23, 2008

What's Bloomin on Long Hill?

The Vegtable Garden:

The Flowers by the Well Cap:

The Walkway Hosta & New Tree:

The Alliums by the Driveway:

Potted Plants at the Front Door:

I love Long Hill this time of year!


Wednesday, June 4, 2008

New with me.

So what's new with me?
It's Spring and that means so many things at our house right now:
New Vegetable Garden (we have never done this before)
Mowing (lots of mowing)
Cleaning up the Planting beds
Estimates for Decking (Finally)
Golf, Golf and more Golf - Can never get enough
We went White Water Rafting (VERY FUN!)
Camper to the Lake - all settled and ready
Boat to Deans for minor repairs and then to Kevin's for detailing - Ready Monday!
Motorcycle to and from work to save on Gas bucks - gotta love 49 miles to the gallon.
Screens in the windows - Simon & Coop love this
Emptying out the garage

That's a lot and I am sure there is more. But mostly we are getting ready to enjoy summer and are busy planning for the party of the summer. Arthur's parents are celebrating 50 (yes 50) years of marriage. The party is at our house. Nothing big - immediate family. But of course I want it to be elegant, romantic, personal - perfect. Details on my plans to follow.
For now from the Hill